Ability to Import .TSV files
Previously, imports in Toolio were limited to .CSV files. We recognize that some other systems are unable to generate .CSV files, and have enabled the ability to import .TSV files.
Tracking Status for Assortment Plan Line Items
In Assortment Plan, you now have the ability to track the Status of individual lines. This field will enable you to track lines that have been:
- Pushed from Assortment Plan into Item Plan (Item Generated)
- Pushed from Item Plan into Assortment Plan (Generated From Item Plan)
- All other lines (Placeholder)

Override Placeholders when Generating Assortment Plans from Item Plan
Once you have planned your Core items in Item Plan, you can push them into Assortment Plan and override any relevant placeholder items. Toolio will now automatically identify and override placeholders in AP based on the launch date and color choice ID, and will set the status of this line to “Generated From Item Plan”. The metrics, launch date, planned weeks, and External ID will be updated and all other attributes will remain unchanged when overriding a placeholder line.

Feature Requests & Toolio's Roadmap
Be sure to check out our Roadmap for other planned features and updates to Toolio. Is there a feature you think would be a great addition? Let us know here!